Vista ACADEmy


MsJosephine LeeBA (Econ), MBA, ARM, ANZIIF(Fellow)


● Josephine acquired her Bachelor of Arts (Economics) from the University of New South Wales in1986.  She further pursued her Master of Marketing degree and subsequently had been awarded an MBA degree from the Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Macquarie University in 2004.

● Josephine acquired her Fellowship of the Australian & New Zealand Insurance Institute & Finance (Fellow, ANZIIF) in 1994 and was the first female colleague to have attained this title in the history of Zurich Australian Insurance Ltd.

● As a senior operational risk and insurance professional, Josephine had taken up senior management positions in both Australia and Hong Kong, worked in various industries including insurance, manufacturing and construction sectors across multi-cultural companies operate worldwide.  Namely, Zurich Australian, CGU, AIA, LG Philips, Lenovo Group and The West Kowloon Cultural District Authority.

● To further commit her professional excellence, she successfully met the challenge of the national examinations for the Associate in Risk Management (ARM) program of the American Institute of CPCU.  She attained an ARM in 2007, a professional risk management qualification which is well recognized by the insurance industry worldwide.

● Josephine provided numerous insurance trainings to in-house staff throughout her career years.  She also lectured in insurance management in VTC in 2004/2005