Ms Amy Chan Sok Ying, ANZIIF (Senior Associate)
● Amy Chan was qualified as Senior Associate of the Australians and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance in 1996 and Certified Insurance Professional of ANZIIF.
● Amy is an experienced insurance professional, with specialty in Marine Cargo. In her almost 40 years’ insurance career, Amy worked in the same company, started as Commercial Union Assurance which has become MSIG nowadays. In addition to underwriting work, she also provided technical support in Marine Cargo claims for clients. She has extensive professional knowledge and experiences in providing technical advice in risk assessment and loss prevention to insurance intermediaries and clients.
● Amy also contributed to the industry by taking part as member of the Marine Insurance Association from 2002 to 2018. During the period of 2009 to 2014, Amy was elected to be the Deputy Chairperson of MIA. In her services in MIA, she worked closely with industry fellow to provide technical support to the industry and promote Hong Kong Marine insurance to the global market.
● On the education side, she shared her valuable experience to intermediaries and clients in some seminars. She took part as guest speakers in MIA seminars and instructor in the program of Executive Certificate in Marine Insurance jointly organized by HKUSPACE and HKFI.