Vista ACADEmy

Rules for Class Attendance




● registration to be started from 15 minutes before the training course
● participants have to show their original identity document to verify their identity. (Same procedure is applicable to on-line class but the participants are required to show the first 4 digits of their HKID card during registration.)
● participants have to sign in as part of the registration process
● any participant who wants to leave during a training, they have to sign out
● No eating is allowed during training course
● Please take good care of our training facilities, pay attention to class discipline, and do respect other participants and lecturers. Otherwise, we reserve our rights to rescind your attendanceand no refund of the course fee paid.






● 註冊在培訓課程前15分鐘開始
● 所有參與者必須出示其身份證件以驗證其身份 (相同的程序適用於網上課程,但參加者在註冊時只需出示其香港身份證的前四位字)
● 參與者必須在註冊過程中簽名
● 任何想要在培訓期間離開的參與者都必簽名以作記錄
● 培訓期間禁止進食
● 請妥善保管我們的培訓設施,注重課堂紀律,並尊重其他與會者和講師。否則,我們保留取消您出席的權利,並且不會退還您的課程費用。




Rules for late comers / early leavers



● Participants who are late for the CPD activity over 30 minutes - no CPD credit will be awarded
● If total absent time (late coming plus early leave) is more than 15 minutes, a minimum of 0.5 CPD credit will be deducted.
● If total absent time is over 30 minutes but less than an hour, 1 CPD credit will be deducted
● If total absent time is over an hour, it will be subject to pro-rata deduction on CPD credits






● 參加CPD活動遲到超過30分鐘的參與者 - 不會獲得CPD學分
● 如果總缺席時間(遲到和早退)超過15分鐘,將扣除至少0.5 CPD學分。
● 如果總缺席時間超過30分鐘但不到1小時,將扣除1個CPD學分
● 如果總缺席時間超過一小時,則將按比例扣除CPD學分