Application by Post ( Download Enrolment Form )
● Please complete the enrolment form and send together with payment to “Room 802, 8/F., Hewlett Centre, 54 Hoi Yuen Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong". Only application with payment will be considered.
● For payment, you can either
1. Send in a cheque payable to Vista Academy Co Limited. Please put your name, course code and your contact number at the back of the cheque; or
2. you can pay to our FPS account 160091872 or directly into our bank account (Bank of China account no 012-574-2-008559-7).Please send us copy of the payment slip along your application
● We shall not be responsible for any delay in your application due to mail delivery.
*** for application to on-line course, please also send us copy of your identity document with photo for identity verification during registration. In case of HKID copy, you are reminded to cover the last 4 digit for privacy. We shall destroy all copies received after the course. ***
您可以下列方法申請Vista Academy CPD課程
● 請將填妥的表格連同付款一併寄至“九龍官塘開源道54號豐利中心8樓802室”。我們只接受已付款的申請。
● 付款方式,您也可以選擇
1.支票付款,抬頭Vista Academy Co Limited。請在支票背面填寫您的姓名,課程編號和聯繫電話; 或
2.可存入我們的轉數快賬號 160091872 或直接支付到我們的中國銀行賬戶號 012-574-2-008559-7。請將您的入帳副本發送給我們
● 對於任何郵寄申請,我們不會對因郵件遞送而導致的申請延誤承擔任何責任。
***若要申請在線課程,請附上帶有照片的身份證明文件副本,以便在註冊過程中進行身份驗證。 如是香港身份證副本,我們提醒您覆蓋最後4位數字以保護隱私。在課程後我們將銷毀收到的所有副本。***
Notes for Enrolment Application申請報名注意事項
Acceptance of Enrolment
● Only application with payment will be considered.
● All application for enrolment will be considered in first come first served basis. We shall advise if the application is successful or not by email. For unsuccessful cases, we will not return the application form and the cheque unless you request for but you have to pay an administrative charge. If the enrolment fee is paid through direct bank in, we shall send you the refund cheque at no administrative charge within one month from the date of the training course.
● We reserve the right to change the lecturer, date and venue of a course due to special circumstances. We shall advise you any change before the course.
● All course fees paid are non-refundable except the provision in “Bad Weather Arrangement” below or the class is cancelled by the Academy.
● After enrolment to a course, participants can apply to switch to another course subject to advance notice (2 weeks before the enrolled course), space availability of the replacement course and an administrative fee of HK$100 per switch request.
● Vista Academy shall keep the record of the class attendance for 7 years. You can request for reissuance of CPD certification subject to an administrative fee of HK$100 per certificate
● 所有報名申請均以先到先得的方式考慮。我們將通過電子郵件通知申請是否成功。對於不成功的申請,在您的要求下,才會退回原來支票,但您必須支付有關行政費用。如果通過銀行直接支付註冊費,我們將在有關培訓課程之日起一個月內向您發送退款支票。
● 在特殊情況下,我們保留更改講師,課程日期和地點的權利。我們會在課程前告知您任何變更。
● 所有已付的課程費用均不可退還。但因“惡劣天氣安排”中的規定(詳情請參閱我們公司網站或我們取消有關課程除外。
● 報名參加課程後,參加者可申請轉入另一課程門,但需要在已報名的課程開始前2週申請。有關申請將視乎新選擇的課程報名情況而定,您另需支付100港元的行政費。
● Vista Academy保持課堂出勤記錄7年。您可以申請重新頒發CPD認證,但需支付每張證書100港元的管理費完數